Hello Church Family!
Tuesday night, Wendy and I rolled back into town after two weeks away. We spent the time driving to General Assembly in Indianapolis and back... and had opportunities to stop by and see friends in several places along the way... meeting Pastor Nathan and Jacquelyn in Indy (they were smart and flew)!
For those who might not know what General Assembly is, it is the gathering of the General Church of the Nazarene, as compared to the Local church or the District church. And because the Church of the Nazarene is a global church, that means a gathering of people from over 100 countries speaking all sorts of languages!
I'm sure we'll talk more about General Assembly later, but know we are glad to be home and we look forward to seeing you all on Sunday! We will be heading into our third week of our sermon series on the Ten Commandments. It has been a month since we left off, so yes, we will have a bit of a review. But this Sunday should really get you thinking... it sure did me.
Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship!
Link for this Sunday's Worship Gathering
- Lunch with the Pastors - June 25
- Teen Ministry Meeting - June 25
- Missionary Night - June 29
- Teen Progressive Dinner - June 30
- Summer Family Sunday with the Beverly Hillbillies - July 2
- 4th of July Family Festival - July 4
- Backpacking Trip - July 9-11
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