Thanking Through It!

 Hello Church Family!

Can you believe we are already in November? Time for an extra hour of sleep!

We have quite a bit going on, so I thought I would provide a few updates. This Sunday includes quite a few things, including thanking our Veterans, Local Care Offering, Kids Pizza Drawing, and of course, the prizes for the best Trunk or Treat Trunks.

We will also be continuing a new sermon series we started last Sunday called Thanking Through It. We are looking at the topic of gratitude and what its impact is on our lives. Hopefully you have been working on your Gratitude Journal!

The next 3 Sundays, starting this one, we will be taking our Thanksgiving Offering for World Evangelism. In case you are not familiar, this offering is one we take every year around Thanksgiving (go figure!) and we give it in thanks to God for being such an amazingly gracious God who desires that we have a personal relationship with Him. This offering goes to supporting the efforts of global missions, helping provide everything from missionaries to churches around the world. If you would like to participate, mark offerings with Thanks or select the offering online. Thanks for participating!

As always, don't forget to check the list of events below and thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship!

Pastor Brian
