Do you enjoy your life with God? (Update for July 31)

 Hello Church Family!

I hope you had a good week! Before we get started into the blog, I want to point out that if you missed the service last Sunday because of the technical difficulty, we have uploaded a repaired version. Find the link here. Make sure you are caught up as we head into our second week of the new sermon series.

This week I had an opportunity to take advantage of some really cheap tickets and go see the Seattle Mariners play. Ever since I was a kid, we would try to get over to Seattle each summer to see a game or two. The drive is beautiful! It was a great trip with great fellowship (Tyler and Lisa Kelso went with us). 
But I have to say that there was a group of people at the game that I'm not sure they knew they were at a baseball game. Maybe because the seats were so cheap they thought this was just a great place to gather and get so wasted that they could forget their lives... the troubles but also everything else as well! Most of them could barely walk out of the stadium much less drive home!
I couldn't help but think of the story from last Sunday about Noah and the Ark. Have you ever gotten to a point where you thought life was about what you could get out of it? That please was your pursuit no matter what it costs you or those around you? Talk about a ruined life! Not noticing that there is a loving Creator who has a plan for your life and great people around you to enjoy! And so they are left trying to forget their lives... drowning their sorrows in their suds. Ugh! Those poor souls! 
Aren't you glad that life is so much more than that?! Let's make sure that we take time to pause and remember all the great things in our lives and be thankful! Give praise to the Lord! Worship is not an occasional add-on to our lives... it is our lives!  

Psalm 97:9-12
For you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth;
 you are exalted far above all gods. Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked. Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name.

Service Focus this Sunday:

This Sunday we continue our sermon series called Retold. We will be looking at stories we learned as kids to see what we might have missed. ​This week we will look at David and Goliath. I would encourage you to read ahead of time the story in 1 Samuel 16 & 17. And how does it fit into the story of God and humanity in Scripture? Can we relate? Come and find out what God has for you in this story.

Join us Sunday at 10:30am either onsite or online! The link to the online service is on our website at ( and click on the Link to the Service.

Sermon Series - Retold: Sunday School Stories You Thought You Knew - July 31
Teen Mission Trip to Montana - The teens will be returning July 31. Pray for safety.
Deadline for Donations for the Food Bank - July 31
Mitchells' 60-year Anniversary - July 31 at 2pm to 4:30pm
Backpacking Trip #2 - August 7 to 9. Let me know by Monday if you plan to go!
Family Camp at Trinity Pines - August 12 to 14. Don't forget the worship service on the 14th will be at Trinity Pines at 10am and at 10:30am in Emmett. Choose a service and let's worship together!
Teens! Summer's Last Blast! - August 20 ... Swimming and BBQ

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship Sunday!Blessings!
Pastor Brian 
