This Week at Emmettnaz - Update for July 17th

 Hello Church Family!

This week, Wendy and I, along with Pastor Pam, and Pastor Nathan & Jacquelyn and their kids went to a pastors' conference called Palcon. This is a conference where over 500 pastors from our region gather at NNU in Nampa to worship, learn, and find some any needed healing and restoration. It occurs every four years (six years this time because of Covid). 

What a blessing it was to simply bask in the presence of God and allow Him to chip away at any areas of hardness in our lives. As a pastor, I usually am somewhat distracted in worship when I have pieces of the service that I need to be prepared for. I am always surprised that it takes me a couple of worship services with no responsibilities to get focused and set my attention on nothing but Him.

We had a refreshing time of learning new things, networking with other pastors and leaders, and being challenged as a group and as individuals to pursue the will of God for our own lives and our churches. God is good!

Thank you church family for allowing us a little time away and the financial means to take advantage of this opportunity. You are such a generous church family. Thank you for taking care of your pastors and their kids.

Service Focus this Sunday:

This Sunday we finish up our sermon series on Know It alls. Why is humility such an important part of following Jesus? We really do need a Savior, don't we? Come and find out what God wants to speak to you about. Let's celebrate all the good things God has done!

Join us Sunday at 10:30am either onsite or online! The link to the online service is on our website at ( and click on the Link to the Service.

Funeral Service for Geri Shaw - July 20 (11am)
New Sermon Series - Retold: Sunday School Stories You Thought You Knew - July 24
Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship Sunday!Blessings!Pastor Brian 


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