New Sermon Series! (Update for September 4)

 Hello Church Family!

This Sunday we are beginning a new sermon series called Criticizing Jesus. Now it would be easy to misunderstand this title. We are not in any shape or form going to spend any time actually criticizing Jesus. What we will be doing is looking at a few of the times within Scripture that Jesus was criticized and how he responded.

The truth is I think that we can sometimes see Jesus as this soft and cuddly character who no one should have anything to complain about. But the real truth is that there are times in Scripture when Jesus intentionally was going against the common grain of how things should be done. And at times these things he stood against were not necessarily bad things in themselves. So why?

And yet there are things we can learn within these sometimes sticky situations. "What was it that they had against Jesus and was it warranted?" is only the beginning of the conversation. "What are the things Jesus is willing to stand up for, even knowing He will be criticized for it, say about who Jesus is and what He is about?" That is a little more challenging question.

So join us Sunday as we jump into the first week when the disciples of John the Baptist have a question for the way Jesus does things... a question that I think all of us may have had if we were there. What does God have to say to us through this story?

Youth Group - September 4
Caleb's Clan Dinner - September 9
Men's Steak Night - September 13
Women's High Tea - September 17

We also have our fall small group kickoff coming up in the next couple weeks. Here is the link to the list of small groups so far: Small Groups.

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship Sunday!

Pastor Brian 
