Hello Church Family!
I hope you had an opportunity to experience Spirit Week. It truly was an amazing time. What is the formula for an amazing Spirit Week? Well, it always starts with God showing up! And He did! Several of you reported that you received Jesus Christ as your Savior for the first time... and many others reported receiving His help to break through strongholds in your lives! Isn't our God good?!
But the other part of a successful Spirit Week is YOU! You had to show up! You had to find a way through your busy lives, and even supernatural distractions, to place yourself at God's feet and listen for His nudging. So thank you for making the effort! (And thank you to the many who served with our kids and other places to make it possible!)
This goes back to the whole reason for Spirit Week. We need times of refreshing... times of remembering how important the spiritual is in our lives... celebrating the Spirit's involvement in our lives. It is all the enemy can do to get us living 'agnostic' lives... living as if God, our greatest adversary, is not a part of our everyday lives. So now let us continue to live as if God is involved!
If you missed any of the sessions or just want a reminder, feel free to hop online. The whole series is here. If you would like the dvds, there will be some on the Welcome Table in the foyer or you can email James at office@emmettnaz.com. Next October, Cliff Purcell is scheduled to be with us... and then October 2024 Jeremiah will return.
This Sunday we finally return to the sermon series Criticizing Jesus. Tomorrow we will take the final sermon to look at one more identity of Jesus that He is trying to reveal to us. This time the criticism of Jesus is tied to Him hanging out with the wrong people. What will we learn about Jesus? What might He have to say to us? Come and find out!
Tomorrow is also Lunch with the Pastors. If you are new to us and want an informal time of getting to know the pastors and their spouses, join us! We head to Idaho Pizza after the service. If you can let us know that you are coming, that would be great. That way we can make sure we have enough room for everyone.
Also coming up next week is our Connect Class. In this class, we share what our church is about and how to tie in with us. I'm always amazed at the diversity of people God sends to be part of this church family! This class helps us navigate comm-'unity' within that diversity. This is not necessarily a membership class... it is for everyone! But you can use it as a membership class. Let me know if you have any questions. It all starts with a lunch that is provided after church on Sunday, October 30. Register here.
Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship Sunday!
Pastor Brian
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