Spirit Week Starts Tomorrow! (Update for October 16th)

 Hello Church Family!

I can't believe that Spirit Week is already here! Some have asked me, "What is Spirit Week?" Well the high school has spirit week figured out. They have a week where they rally their school spirit for an important game. For us, we have an even more important task. We have set aside this time to focus on the Holy Spirit and our most important spiritual side of life! Think revival services! 

Jeremiah Bolich will be with us. He is from Nashville, Tennessee. We have had him come in before and he does a great job of bringing the Word into our lives. So hopefully you have been praying and clearing your calendar for an amazing time together in the Lord! Don't miss this great opportunity!

Spirit Week starts Sunday morning, October 16th, during the worship service. Then Sunday night at 6:00pm, finishing up Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. We will be having a short social time after each service. We are looking for small groups to supply snacks for each of those times. If your small group is interested, contact Wayne Gleim.

There will also be children's services in Big City K-5th grade throughout the week, led by Pastor Pam.  Come join and learn about a young man's exciting journey as God challenges him to share the love of Christ!  Bring a friend, play some games, earn some Big City Bucks and enjoy an amazing story! Nursery to Pre-K will also be provided.

Spirit Week does have a significant financial cost flying in a speaker and paying them. We do budget for these costs. But if you believe in the importance of this time together and would like to give to this, you can mark your checks "Spirit Week" during the offering time or give online here. Make sure to select Spirit Week in the list.

**Link to the Online Worship Gathering on Sunday (The links for each service of Spirit Link will be on the website and on the Church App)
**Fill Out your Get Connected Form (share a prayer request or just an update)

Upcoming Events! (Click the Links Below to get more information)

Men's Steak Night - October 25
Trunk-or-Treat - October 31

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship Sunday!
Pastor Brian 
