Hello Church Family!
This week as I have been thinking about Dave and the funeral, I can't help but think about eternal things and what I would say are the things that really matter. What does a life well lived look like? I only knew Dave the last 9 years, which means I only knew him for around a tenth of his life. But in that time, I certainly could get a read on what he was all about. And I think I can say without reservation that Dave lived a life well lived.
I think what I saw in Dave could be boiled down into two words: relationships and serving (and of course his faith in Jesus is intertwined with both). Dave truly cared deeply about people and was always serving them in love in some way. What a legacy!

7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
Isn't that an encouraging thought for us?! The end of this life is not the end! Now when I think about a race, what happens at the end of a race? The good runners have a kick, don't they? They find an extra gear and finish strong.
Considering the fact that I didn't even know Dave until he was 77 years old, and yet he was still running strong, I have to say that Dave had an amazing kick at the end! I hope and pray that I can finish as strong as he did!
Tomorrow at 11am, we will meet at the church to celebrate the life of David Allen Mitchell. Prepare yourself by thinking of the stories of how Dave impacted your life... and consider how you might make sure you are living a life well lived... in honor of Dave. There will be a meal that follows for all, giving opportunity to encourage one another and share those stories. If you are not able to attend in person, you can catch the service on our livestream, during or after the service.
Link to the Livestream of the Funeral for Dave
Sunday, we finish up our sermon series called Keeping Score: What We Lose When We Keep Count. This week, we will focus on Jesus' invitation to lose count of our righteous acts and instead focus on the grace given to us by God... and in Thanksgiving, this affects the way we treat others. What does God have to say to you in this?
**Link to the Online Worship Gathering on Sunday
**Fill Out your Get Connected Form (share a prayer request or just an update)
Wonderful reflections and thoughts to ponder; Thank You, Brian!