Update for Dave & Phyllis

 Hello Church Family,

If you haven't heard already, last Friday Dave and Phyllis Mitchell were in a tragic car accident. Dave ended up passing away on Saturday morning (and is now with Jesus) and Phyllis has been in the hospital working through some difficult injuries and loss. I have a few updates for you.

#1 Phyllis is improving! The doctors were really worried about her because her kidneys weren't functioning even into Sunday. Monday her kidneys started working. Praise the Lord! On top of that, she is coming home today! Thanks for your prayers!

This brings us to #2. If you are interested and able to sit with Phyllis from time to time, we need to start creating a list of possible helpers. We will probably organize this a little better later on, but for now, reply to this email and tell me roughly what days and times you are available. We can at least get the process started.

#3 It would be good to provide some meals for Phyllis and Steve, at least to get them started. I am not aware of anyone organizing this yet. If there is a small group or even a person who is already or would like to head this up, let me know and I can start sending people your way.

#4 The funeral for Dave will be on Saturday, November 19th, at 11am. We will need a few greeters for the service. We will also need some help with bringing food and/or organizing and serving the meal. If you would like to help with any of this, call Wayne Gleim at (208) 871-0206 or email him at windgotfish@hotmail.com.

#5 James will be working to put together a video for the funeral of pictures of Dave. If you have a picture or two that you think is a great picture of Dave, send them to James at office@emmettnaz.com.

I'm sure there will be more information in the coming days, so watch your emails. Keep praying for the family. Their plates are full. As always, thank you for being an amazing church family! Keep up the great work!

Pastor Brian
