Christmas Schedule Preview (Update for December 4)

 Hello Church Family!

Can you believe that Christmas is three weeks away?! With all the busyness of the season, I thought it would be good to update you on some of the happenings around the church, so you can add them in before the calendar fills up.

One event that we have been missing the last couple years is the Multi-Church Christmas Musical. This is an event that includes talent from all the churches of Emmett to help get us focused on the reason for the season... involving orchestra, choir, and drama pieces. It takes place on three different nights: Friday and Saturday, December 9th and 10th, at 7pm and Sunday, December 11th at 6pm. All performances conveniently located in our church. Get there early because our church will fill up!

Our Go Team is promoting an opportunity to participate in a community event called Candy Cane Lane. This is where under-privileged families can bring their kids to the Rec Center on Saturday, December 17th, to let their kids look through unwrapped gifts and find little things for each member of their family to give this Christmas. You can donate a small gift or volunteer to help. Click on this link to find out more information.

Sunday, December 18th, is our Kids Christmas Program and All Church Christmas Dinner. The kids have been working hard and this is always one of the more cherished Sundays of the year. The dinner is immediately following the worship service. While the church will be providing ham, turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy, there is a need for contributions of other hot/cold dishes, breads, and deserts. If you have a special Christmas dish that you are proud of, now would be an amazing time to show it off to your Christian family! Click here for more info.

Christmas Eve and Christmas day land on a Saturday and Sunday this year. So our plans are to offer two similar options, one at 6pm on Christmas Eve and the other at 10:30am on Christmas day. That way you can choose the one that best fits your family's schedule. 

Our candlelight services will be an hour-long celebration that simply tell the Christmas story through Scripture and familiar Christmas carols. This is a great event for the whole family. With that in mind, there won't be separate kids services, except for the baby nursery... which will be open only on Christmas Eve. Invite your family and plan to participate!

This Sunday, we continue our sermon series called Among Us: A Christmas Story. This week, we continue in the first chapter in the Gospel of John. We will look at two more gifts that we received when God took on human flesh and walked among us. What does God have to say to you in this?

**Link to the Online Worship Gathering on Sunday 

**Fill Out your Get Connected Form (share a prayer request or just an update)

**Online Giving

Upcoming Events! (Click the Links Below to get more information)
Men's Steak Night - December 20

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship Sunday!
Pastor Brian 
