Prayer Anyone? (Update for Sunday, January 8th)

Hello Church Family!

Hope you had a great first week of the new year! For those who made it to the Family Fan Night, my team won! Which is a great way to start the new year! Hopefully we can keep that going.

In the news this week, it seems like the world has fixated on the injury of Damar Hamlin. Damar is an NFL football player who had a heart attack during the game last Monday. It seems that most of the time these days, instead of asking for prayer, people tend to ask for good thoughts or vibes to be sent their way. But this incident has clearly caused the country to focus on prayer. And thank the Lord, today Damar is improving. How might God use this moving forward?

This Sunday, we start a new sermon series called Shape UP, focusing on the "means of grace"...
things that the Church has been doing for the last two thousand years to help cooperate with God to grow in grace. This week we will start our discussion with a look at the practice of prayer. That's timely, isn't it? Prayer is such an important part of a growing relationship with God. 

Is prayer something that you practice? Or do you consider yourself to be prayer challenged? What might be a step forward for you in this? Come and see what God might have for you. 

Upcoming Events! (Click the Links Below to get more information)
Family Fan Night - January 12
District Marriage Conference - January 13 & 14
Men's Steak Night - January 17
Caleb's Clan Dinner - January 27
Teen Winter Retreat 2023 - January 27 to 29

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship Sunday!

Happy New Year!
Pastor Brian 
