Hello Church Family!
I hope you found some ways to celebrate/ponder Holy Week... especially Good Friday as we remembered the cross and the suffering and death of Jesus on our behalf. All of this prepares us for a more meaningful Easter celebration... as we look through the cross to see what God accomplished!
And yet we have not arrived at Easter yet. Today is what is commonly called Holy Saturday. I think it is one of the most difficult days for us in Holy Week. It is that in-between time. It is a quiet yet troubling scene when the tomb is still full. All we have is a quiet, soldier-guarded grave. When all hope seems to be lost.
1 I cried out to God for help;
I cried out to God to hear me.
2 When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
at night I stretched out untiring hands,
and I would not be comforted.
3 I remembered you, God, and I groaned;
I meditated, and my spirit grew faint.
4 You kept my eyes from closing;
I was too troubled to speak.
5 I thought about the former days,
the years of long ago;
6 I remembered my songs in the night.
My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
7 “Will the Lord reject forever?
Will he never show his favor again?
8 Has his unfailing love vanished forever?
Has his promise failed for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?
Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”
Have you ever been there? Think of the disciples. Scripture tells us that they were resting because it was the Sabbath. But what kind of rest comes from an unresolved trouble? Can we hang on in hope that God is still good and we can trust Him? This is very real moment with the Lord, isn't? How do we respond?
Keep reading in Psalm 77 for some great advice...
10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal:
the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.
11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
12 I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
13 Your ways, God, are holy.
What god is as great as our God?
14 You are the God who performs miracles;
you display your power among the peoples.
15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
What do we do on Holy Saturday? We remember the deeds of the Lord when He was faithful. We remember that He is good. And we wait in faith... that the SON will rise in the morning!
Schedule of Events for Easter Sunday:
7:45am Sunrise Service at Triangle Park along the Black Canyon Reservoir. 3 miles past the dam near milepost 41.
9:00am Worship Practice
8:30am-9:30am Easter Breakfast will be served in Big City until 9:30 a.m. (Donation)
9:30am-10:15am Fellowship: Coffee/Tea will be available in Big City.
10:30 Worship Service
Easter Egg Hunt Immediately Following the Worship Service.
Easter Sunday Worship: This Sunday, being Resurrection Sunday, we will be taking a look at what hope is brought by the resurrection of Jesus. This message is called Living Hope... because the resurrection of Jesus is more than a "some day" kind of hope. It is a hope that we can live into even today! Join us as we dive into this topic. What might God be saying to you?
We will also be taking a special Easter Offering for World Evangelism. All monies marked for this will be sent directly to the World Evangelism Fund. Thanks for your help!
Link for this Sunday's Worship Gathering
- Easter Offering for World Evangelism - April 9
- Teen Night & Wednesday Nite at Big City! - April 12
- Caleb's Clan Dinner - April 14
- Summer Camps Early Bird Discount Deadline - April 15
- Funeral for Warren Elwood - April 15
- VBS Planning Meetings Begin - April 17
- Lead Young Summit - April 18
- Men's Steak Night - April 18
- 2nd Annual Women's Steak Night - April 21
- Church Spring Clean Up Day - April 22
- Foundations in Genesis - April 27
- Youth Appreciation Weekend - April 29&30
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