Mark Your Calendars! Update for April 30th

Hello Church Family!

For those who are not familiar, District Assembly is a gathering of the many churches on our district to give updates on what God is doing. Obviously, delegates are voted into going but anyone can attend. I am obviously a church nerd and really enjoy the multi-day celebration, but this year it is especially important. 

On Thursday night of assembly, we celebrate all the new pastors being ordained. Ordination is a many years long process involving many classes, interviews, mentor meetings, and service hours. Its culmination take place in this service with the church gathering and praying over and recognizing is HUUUUUUUUUUUGE in the life of a pastor. 

And this year, our Pastor Nathan is being ordained! So we invite everyone... all of us... to join in the celebration on Thursday, May 11th. The service is at College Church of the Nazarene in Nampa and starts at 7pm... but get there twenty minutes early or so to assure that we can all sit together and cheer on he and Jacquelyn! Afterwards, there is cake and a time to greet them. Mark your calendars now! Please don't miss this opportunity!

A couple of things to mention for this weekend: don't forget the Youth Appreciation booth in the Island Park on Saturday from 11 to 3. This Sunday we continue our sermon series on Reconstructing Our Faith after a season of doubt and disillusionment. And then Sunday night is the Youth Appreciation Gathering at the Seven Springs Ranch. Click the links below to find more information.

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship!

Pastor Brian

Link for this Sunday's Worship Gathering
