Serve Opportunities! - Update for April 23rd

 Hello Church Family!

Spring is trying to spring forth... but it seems it has sprung a leak! ๐Ÿ˜

This time of year, around our homes, there are more projects than time... getting our yards and everything else ready for summer. But this is also a busy time at our church. We need your help in so many ways! Isn't it great to feel needed! Here is a sampling of ways you might be inclined to jump in and help us!

1. Our Yard and Outside of our Facilities! Every year we gather together a team of people to mow and trim, work in the flower beds, fix broken sprinklers, wash windows, and even touch up with paint places that are peeling. This Saturday at 8:30am is the start of all that work, but if you would like to be a part of a rotating group, reach out to Ken Moore 208-365-1871. (A second work day is already scheduled for May 13th)

2. Serve Emmett Day on May 20th! Every year we show the love of God to our community by looking around our neighborhoods to see who needs help, submitting the project to the group, and then coming together to work on them together. Look for the insert in the bulletin this week or go to to get involved. Submit projects by May 1st! And if you would like to help me organize these projects, I need help! Reach out to me. (208-965-7423)

3. Youth Appreciation Weekend on April 29 & 30! Our community has a special gathering at the Island that is really cool! On Saturday, April 29, from 11am to 3pm in the park, there are all sorts of booths and fun things to do in an effort to simply appreciate our kids and teens. Our church will have a booth there in which we have some simple games to play and we give away prizes. We also hand out a flyer with some of our summer activities at the church, like VBS. We need people to help run the games but also just to hang out and be interested in our youth (and their parents). Reach out to Pastor Pam (208-870-0972) or Pastor Nathan (406-381-5056) if you can help! 

4. If you don't know already, we have a district campground in Cascade called Trinity Pines that is where all of our kids and teens go for summer camps and other activities. Toward the end of May, there is a lot of work that needs to be done to get the camp open. They call this Work Week. If you can help, they do a great job of feeding and housing the work crew for the couple days. I usually go up for the day on May 26th, if you would like to join me let me know. If you would like to do more, here is the link: Trinity Pines Work Week

5. Vacation Bible School on May 30th thru June 2nd! Believe it or not, VBS is only a few weeks away. We usually need around 50 volunteers helping throughout those days with all sorts of things. The planning meetings are already started on Mondays at 6:30pm. Let Pastor Pam (208-870-0972) or Pastor Nathan (406-381-5056) if you are interested! 

6. Last but not least is our Guest House Ministry. This time of year there is a need to switch from winter to summer clothes. This takes a lot of sorting and cleaning, etc. If this sounds like something you can help with, contact Richlyn Smith (208-369-6343).

That's enough of a list for now. I really am glad that we have a church family that loves to invest in people! I am told over and over again how friendly our church is. We have great people! Thanks for continuing to grow in the Lord as we learn to Love God and Love Others together. And sometimes that love looks like a little bit of work!

One last thing I will mention. This next week on Thursday, April 27th, at 1pm and 6pm (two different times) we will a speaker from Answers in Genesis. If you don't know anything about this group, they are a group of people who love the Bible... but they also love science! I have not heard this particular speaker, but every time I have heard them in the past, I am amazed at how researched and incredibly smart they are. They must have huge brains! And the two topics are advertised as family friendly. I would encourage you to join us in Big City for an amazing discussion.

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship!

Pastor Brian

Link for this Sunday's Worship Gathering
