Thank You Church Family! - Update for May 14

Hello Church Family!

Yesterday was Pastor Nathan's ordination service. As we have been saying, this is a huge moment in his ministry, finishing an almost decade long process of schooling, mentoring, and experience. I just want to thank all those who came out for the service. That was awesome! One person told me they counted 80 people there from our church! And also Wednesday night for Jan's Award!
You continue to amaze me, church family! God is so good!

This Sunday is Mother's Day. Don't forget to celebrate your moms! During our service, we will have a special time of thanking and praying for our moms. And we all know that moms are not just biological! We have so many in our church family who invest in our kids! Thank you! And we also have a gift for you if you come Sunday!

Two other reminders. First, there is a church work day tomorrow starting at 8:30am. We will be painting the fascia. Bring your painting clothes and scrapers and paint tools and any ladders you have around. There will be a BBQ to follow around 12:30pm. 

Second, don't forget to sign up for Serve Emmett Day! We have a serious shortage currently in volunteers. Sign up at Serve Emmett Day is next Saturday, May 20th!

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship!

Pastor Brian

Link for this Sunday's Worship Gathering

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