Finishing the Series - Update for May 7

 Hello Church Family!

This Sunday we are finishing up our sermon series called Reconstructing Faith. We will look at one more tool for our toolbag for seasons of doubt and disillusionment. My hope for this series has been for us to not be surprised or afraid when struggles come our way in the
Christian life. We don't have to have all the answers to find hope and peace in a God who is always rooting for us. I hope we are better prepared to trust in Him... especially in these moments in our lives and not in spite of them.

This Sunday's service will also include our Local Care Offering which simply is used to help those within our local church family who might need a little help. If you would like to help with this, make sure you mark your envelopes. 

Also, we will have a Hello Neighbor segment with Pastor Nathan. We'll get an update on what this whole ordination thing is all about. This service will be a great time of celebrating our great God!

And you are all welcome to our celebration of Abby's graduation on Sunday afternoon! Drop by any time from 3pm to 5pm!

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship!

Pastor Brian

Link for this Sunday's Worship Gathering
