Another Amazing VBS!

Hello Church Family!

As I write this, we are a couple hours away from another very successful Vacation Bible School! We have had lots of new faces with us these last few days... learning about the Bible and some even giving their hearts to Jesus! Praise the Lord! 

The truth is that VBS doesn't happen without the many volunteers and their countless hours of energy and passion for kids to know Jesus. I am again reminded that we have a great church family! 

This Sunday, we hope and pray some of these new faces will join us for our Summer Family Sunday with the Beverly Hillbillies! If you see a new face on Sunday, do as you always do and greet them warmly. See if you might be able to make a connection. And to help you have a little extra time to do this, there will be a Family Potluck BBQ afterwards. The church will provide hot dogs and chips and condiments, if you want to bring a side or dessert to share.

Sunday will also be our Trinity Pines Sunday. We are giving away some Trinity Pines camp gear as well as handing out the list of kids and teens that are heading up to camp this Sunday so that you can be praying for them. Big decisions are made at camp! I made a couple of those decisions myself as a kid and teen! God is good!

Thank you again for being such a great church family! I look forward to seeing you all for worship!

Pastor Brian

Link for this Sunday's Worship Gathering

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